
拝啓 時下ますますご盛栄のこととお慶び申し上げます。平素は格別なるご高配を賜り厚くお礼申し上げます。
さて、日本、イギリス、アラブ首長国連邦、南アフリカ、シンガポールからウガンダへ輸出される中古車は、ウガンダ国基準局 (UNBS)により2023年10月25日に施行された輸入・通関規則に従い、輸出前にUS 845:2017に則った検査を受ける必要があります(詳細はUNBSのPUBLIC NOTICEをご参照ください)。


To all our valued customers,
We are pleased to inform you that in line of the Uganda National Bureau of Standards (UNBS) Imports and Clearance Regulations, effective October 25,2023, Used Vehicles exported to Uganda from Japan, United Kingdom, United Arab Emirates, South Africa and Singapore must be assessed for conformity and will have to be tested and inspected in accordance to US 845:2017 prior to shipment from the mentioned countries.
You may now apply and book your inspection requests through online booking, email, fax to the respective QISJ country offices.
You may refer to the official UNBS Public Notice.
Thank you very much.