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ケニア基準局からの通達により、2015年初年度登録車両の輸出前検査(RWI)は、11月25日(金)までとさせていただきます。車両を空輸する場合を除き、11月26日以降 検査することはできない為、検査のご予定のあるお客様はお早めにお申し込みくださいますようお願い申し上げます。
To all our valued customers,
As we begin entering into the end of the year, we would like to kindly make an announcement that the final date we are authorized to inspect the limited 2015 First Year Registration vehicles are by 25th of November 2022. Unless the units are to be airlifted, QISJ cannot inspect 2015 vehicles after the referred date.
Please kindly take note of the final date and schedule as accordingly.
We sincerely thank you for your cooperation on this matter.
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